In December of 1989 someone stole the masters of the only wrestling we had shot that year. The only footage left to us was a raw video we had sent off to Amazons in Action Magazine. Occasionally we had fast forwarded the 3/4" master, stopped it, chosen another angle; there are no cutaways when the cameraman changes position to get another shot, and you can hear what the wrestlers say when they don't know the camera is running. The first 24 minutes are a spectacular fight between two novice wrestlers one of our trainees found in the parking lot and talked into wrestling for us. One was hungover from a barroom brawl the night before; her opponent was a governess from Newport Beach. Next comes a strange match between Candy and Duranne. One of the trainees and I were were anxious to leave for London and we fast forwarded the tape in the final minutes of the bout, never knowing this would be the only footage we'd ever save of this weekend. Here is more than an hour of sharp, unpredictable action that will stand as a collectors item for years to come.